Senin, 11 Juni 2012


Metaphorical expressions in Nusa Penida

by: I Gede Murta

There are some dialects of Balinese language in Bali, usually based on the regency it spoken. Thus, commonly there are Gianyar dialect, Bangli dialect, Tabanan dialect, Negara dialect, Buleleng dialect, Karangasem dialect, Badung dialect, and Klungkung dialect. However, no matter what dialect it is, basically it is the same both in term of grammar and syntax. They are just slight different in the tone/rhythm and pronunciation. Most importantly, Balinese people from different dialects still can understand each other.
The Balinese dialects above are already known for some people. But, not for Nusa Penida dialect, only few people know the dialect because there is something special in Nusa Penida language. Nusa Penida supposed to have Balinese language with Klungkung dialect but it is actually different with Balinese language. Thus, people from other regency in Bali will not be able to understand this language. In daily life, sometimes people in Nusa Penida use metaphorical expressions to express their feeling and their life experiences. Commonly, the metaphorical expression in Nusa Penida has similar meaning with Balinese Language. But sometimes, Nusa Penida also has different metaphorical expression with Balinese language. It is only different in pronunciation, intonation and spelling. Here are some metaphorical expressions in Nusa Penida and its explanation.

1.      Serah Tengkolak

Nusa Penida Language     :           Serah Tengkolak
Indonesian Language        :           Kepala Batok kelapa
English Language             :           head coconut shell
                                                      (Coconut shell head)
Example in sentence;
·         Jape lakune serah tengkolakte?
·         Kemana perginya kepala batok kelapa itu?
·         Where go head coconut shell?
(Where is the coconut shell head going?)

The word “serah” means “head” or “kepala” in Indonesian language. And the word “tengkolak” means “coconut shell” or “batok kelapa” in Indonesian language. The expression “Serah Tengkolak” is an expression about characteristic or description of a person who has no hair. Usually, somebody who is called “Serah Tengkolak” is an adult but he/she has no hair just like an old person.
2.      Ambul Gunungte Gedene

Nusa Penida Language     :           Ambul Gunung Gedene
Indonesian Language        :           Seperti Gunung Besarnya
English Language             :           like mount the big
(It’s big just like a mount).
Example in sentence;
·         Terekte ambul gunungte gedene.
·         Truknya seperti gunung besarnya.
·         Truck the like mount big the.
(The truck is like a mount).

The word “ambul” means “seperti” in Indonesian, and “like” in English. The word “gunung” means “mount” in English. And “gedene” means “big”. This expression is used to express their feeling about something which has a big size. Usually the size of that thing is extremely big than usual. Thus, the people in Nusa Penida use this expression to make it more appropriate, even, sometimes it is hard to understand it for who are not familiar with this expression.

3.      Mecik Serah

Nusa Penida Language     :           Mecik Serah
Indonesian Language        :           menekan Kepala
English Language             :           push head
                                                      (Push the head)
Example in sentence;
·         Kanti mecik serah anak tuane ngitungan ye duang.
·         Sampai menekan kepala orang tuanya memperhitungkan dia saja.
·         Until pushing head old people his/her calculate he/she only.
(His/her parents is pushing their head only for thinking of him/her)

The expression above is about somebody who is confused and thinks hardly of the unfinished problem or person who makes mistakes. In relation to example above, it is also refers to somebody who thinking of their child because of their child’s bad behavior. The word “mecik” means “push” or “menekan” in Indonesian, while “serah” means “head” or “kepala”. The word “mecik serah” implies to “confuse”.

4.      Bote Bongol

Nusa penida language       :           Bote Bongol
Indonesian language         :           Buta Tuli
English language               :           Sightless deaf

Example in sentence;
·         Bote bongol ye nyemak gae to ne nah.
·         Buta tuli dia mengambil pekerjaan itu nya ya.
·         Sightless deaf he/she taking job that its yes
(Such sightless and deaf person when he/she doing that job).

The word “bote” means “sightless” or in Indonesia “buta”. “Bongol” means “deaf” or in Indonesia “tuli”. The expression above means someone who does not know what to do in doing something. Moreover, there is no response, and without saying any words. In other words, he/she is confused in doing something. Thus, people calls this people using metaphorical expression “bote bongol”.

5.      Engkah Nage

Nusa penida language       :           Engkah Nage
Indonesian language         :           Nafas Naga
English language               :           Breath dragon
(Mouth odor)

Example in sentence;
·         Mobo engkah nage bongotde.
·         Berbau nafas naga mulutmu.
·         Smell breath dragon mouth you.
(Your mouth smells bad)

 Engkah Nage” comes from two words. The first word is “Engkah” which means “breath” or “nafas” in Indonesian. The second word is “Nage” means “dragon” or in Indonesia “naga”. Actually, this expression means “mouth odor” or “mulut bau” in Indonesian.  This metaphorical expression is expressed to someone who has bed smell from his/her mouth. Usually this expression used for people who just wake up from sleep.

6.      Basang bodag

Nusa penida language       :           Basang bodag.
Indonesian language         :           perut keranjang besar.
English language               :           stomach big basket

Example in sentence;
·         Ngamah duang gaene, basange ambol bodagte dadine .
·         Makan saja kerjanya, perutnya berukuran keranjang besar jadinya.
·         Eat just work its, stomach his/her measure basket big become.
(He/she always eat and his/her stomach becomes bigger as big as big basket).

This name is for people who have big stomach. A person who has called “basang bodag” commonly means a “sluggard”. “Basang bodag” is come from two words “basang” means “perut” or “stomach” in Indonesian. While, the word “bodag” means “big basket” or “keranjang besar” in Indonesian. “Bodag” is a kind of traditional big basket which made from bamboo. It is plaited until form big basket.

7.      Gede-gede gabeng

Nusa penida language       :           Gede gede gabeng
Indonesian language         :           besar besar kosong
(besar tapi tak  ada apa-apa, tak ada isinya)
English language               :           big big empty
(It is big but nothing, empty)

Example in sentence;
·         Malange gede duang, potene gede gede gabeng.
·         Hanya besar saja, tetapi besar besar kosong.
(besar saja tetapi gak ada apa-apanya)
·         Just big only, but big big empty.
(Just big, but there is nothing)

The word “gede” above means “big”. In Indonesia “gede” also means “gede” or “besar”. And the word “gabeng” refers to “something that empty or nothing”. “Gede gede gabeng” refers to people or something which has big size but empty or has nothing. For example; a person who has big body but has no ability or knowledge.

8.      Basang bawak

Nusa penida language       :           Basang bawak
Indonesian language         :           Perut pendek (cepat marah)
English language               :           Short or small stomach

Example in sentence;
·         Basange bawak aking, ape keket galak.
·         Perutnya pendek sekali, apa sedikit marah.
·         Stomach his/her short very, what little angry.
(His/her stomach is very short, because of small thing he/she can angry).

Basang bawak” comes from “basang” which means “stomach” and the word “bawak” means “short”. Ti does not mean people who have short or small stomach but refers to someone who will get angry easily or it can be called sensitive or impatient person.

9.      Otak batu

Nusa penida language       :           otak batu
Indonesian language         :           otak batu
English language               :           brain stone
                                                      (The stone brain)

Example in sentence;
·         Aje otak batu, hat nuni oruk met mencang ngertine.
·         Benar otak batu, dari tadi diajari lama akan mengertinya.
(dasar otak batu, dari tadi diajari tidak mengerrti-mengerti)
·         Right brain stone, from while taught long will understand
(Such a stone brain, he/she taught for long time but still do not understand).

The expression “otak batu” has the same meaning with Indonesian metaphorical expression. It means “the stone brain” in English. The word “otak” means “brain” in English. And the word “batu” means stone. This expression refers to a person who cannot understand even he/she is taught for long time by his/her teacher, Parents, friends or the other.

10.  Pengliatane natit

Nusa penida language       :           pengliatane natit
Indonesian language         :           Lirikannya kilat
English language               :           glances her lightning
                                                      (Her lightning sharp glances)
Example in sentence;
·         Pengliatane natit, hunye anak bajangte demen ajak ye.
·         Pengelihatannya kilat, semua anak muda suka pada dia.
·         See her lightning, all child young like to her.
(Her sharp glances make all young men likes her).

Pengliatane natit” refers to a girl who has beautiful sharp glance. When she looks at some boys sharply and quickly, then the boys will fall in love with her. It implies that she has good looks with her beautiful eyes.

11.  Alis medon intaran

Nusa penida language       :           Alis medon intaran
Indonesian language         :           Alis berdaun intaran
English language               :           intaran eyebrow

Example in sentence;
·         Aeng jegeg nak luh to, alise medon intaran.
·         Sangat cantik orang wanita itu, alisnya berdaun intaran
·         Very beautiful people women that, eyebrow her leaf intaran
(That woman is so beautiful, her eyebrow like intaran leaf).

The expression above refers to a girl or a boy who has beautiful or perfect eyebrow. He/she has eyebrow just like the “intaran” trees. “Intaran” tree is a tree in Nusa Penida that has beautiful leaf. Then, people imply it to the beautiful eyebrow.

12.  Mate barak

Nusa penida language       :           Mate barak
Indonesian language         :           mata merah
English language               :           red eyes

Example in sentence;
·         Barak matane pas ye nawang care to ne.
·         Merah matanya ketika dia tahu seperti itu.
·         Red eyes his/her when he/she know like that.
(His/her eyes are red when he/she know about that).

This expression is refers to people who is in angry condition. It does not mean a person who gets sick. Figure of speech that used is “Mate barak” or “red eyes” because commonly, when people angry, their eyes will get red. Thus, people in Nusa Penida use this expression to express somebody who is angry.

13.  Mongane oyah-oyah

Nusa penida language       :           Mongane oyah-oyah
Indonesian language         :           wajahnya bergaram-garam
English language               :           face his/her salted-salt
(His/her face is getting salted)

Example in sentence;
·         Uling tuni ye mejemuh, mongane uyah-uyah dadine.
·         Dari tadi dia berjemur, wajahnya garam-garam jadinya.
·         From while he/she dried, face his/her salt-salt become.

The word “mongane” means “his/her face”, or “wajahnya” in Indonesia. The second word is “uyah-uyah” which means “salts” or “getting salted”, in Indonesia it means “bergaram-garam”. It refers to people who worked hard and his/her face is looks tired and full of dust, oil, “dirty”.

14.  Layah tajep

Nusa penida language       :           Layah tajep
Indonesian language         :           Lidah tajam
English language               :           Tongue sharp

Example in sentence;
·         Layahe tajep aking, hunye anakte sakit ati ajak ye.
·         Lidahnya tajam sekali, semua orang lain sakit hati dengan dia.
·         Tongue his/her sharp very, all other people sick heart with him/her.
(His/her tounge is very sharp, all people gets embittered of him).

The word “layahe” means “his/her tongue”. While, the word “Tajep” means “sharp”. Thus, when it is combined will become “layahne tajep”, but it does not mean people who have sharp tongue. More than that, it refers to someone who always hurt another person by using his/her bad words. This people always make the other people angry because of the words.

15.  Mekecuh babuan

Nusa penida language       :           Mekecuh babuan
Indonesian language         :           meludah ke atas
English language               :           expectorate to up

Example in sentence;
·         Yen ede mekecuh babuan patuh adane ede ngecuhin bande.
·         Kalau kamu meludah atas sama namanya kamu meludahi dirimu.
·         If you expectorate to up same the name you expectorate yourself.
(If you expectorates to up that’s mean you expectorate yourself).

The expression above is refers to someone who do something but it will hurt themselves. In Indonesia we also know “Senjata Makan Tuan” that has similar meaning. The word “mekecuh” in English means “expectorate or spit”, or “meludah” in Indonesia. The expression above comes from two word such as the word “babuan” means “up or above” or “atas” in Indonesian language. This expression is a kind of prohibition.

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